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All These Comics Kick My Ass

Ah, Flem. Quite possibly the most ingenious creation of our time. Seriously. It's fucking funny! Go read it, now! Why are you still at my lame site? Go!

The genius J. Grant's second comic site, created to hold his political rantings. Very funny. Check out the time he used one of my pics! *big stupid grin*

The man behind this comic is a genius and an all around great guy. Just got things going. So funny, so pretty. *drool* I love Chibi-Tomu. So darn cute. ^_^

Freaking hilarious! The only sprite comic I've found so far actually worth reading. (If you have a sprite comic feel free to prove me wrong.)

Funny! Funny! Funny! If you play RPG's at all this comic will make you fall off your chair laughing, if you don't play RPG's you'll probably just stare dumbfounded at the screen wondering wtf "spooney" means.

PH34R Largo's L33T N3KKID SKILLZ!!! If that last line confused you, you need to read more MegaTokyo!

An early favourite of mine. Beautiful art, great storyline. About a natural, very powerful witch who moves back from New York to North Carolina to be with her family, then proceeds to meet her dead father, turn into a giant cat, have her boy friend killed (multiple times), her insane sister tries to kill her, leads a battle against a wearwolf and his army to save the world, and is tortured by an egomaniacal, realy old witch in the form of her mother. And you though you were having a bad day.

Bizarrely funny comic, who's art just keeps getting better every day. Mutant college roomates and the women who love them, on the next Jerry Springer.

Wicked, weird comic. Just when you think you've got all figured out, Jake punches a girl in the face at a kegger party and jumps out the window yelling "QUCK!" You figure it out. (Then come back and tell me)

What's that you say? You don't want to read this incredibly drawn, laugh your ass off funny, and melt your heart sweet comic because it involves two men in love? Well, that's your decision and I respect that, you pathetic bigoted, narrowminded asshole.

I am so jealous of the artist. she draws so perfectly what I have been trying for years to be able to do. Oh yes, and the stories great too.

I know you must have at least read Elf Life by now! If you haven't Filis might just come after you, and you don't want Filis after you. *scary!*

MacHall, I wish it would update a little more often, but it's definitly worth the wait. These guys are piss your pants funny.

Oh the angst! The suffering! The teenage torment! The evil kid who sets the house on fire and gets stuck in the air vent when you babysit him, and talks to a piece of bread. We've all been there... Stubble!

If you have ever wroked in any store, not just a computer store, where you had to put up with stupid and rude customers all day, you'll love this comic. And for god's sake, just work out the tax yourself!

Another classic, I love it! It's got D&D, computer games, Final Fantasy, RPG's, insane mind-of-their-own computers, time travel machines, mechas, and lots of geeks! Wait a minute... this isn't real life! It's heaven!

You have no choice in this matter. Go read this RIGHT NOW! Or I will personally hunt you down. Seriously. I just can't believe that with art that incredible this could truely be a DAILY comic! But it is! Wow!

I LOVE this comic! You must read it! So damn funny! Not to mention the gratuitous shower scene of the bisexual, slutty girl. ^_~

Sometimes funny, sometimes disturbingly dark and morbid. Haunting comic. For the fanboy/girl in all of us.

Wooo! Punks! Punks! and more Punks! A comic for punks, if you're not a punk, you won't get it. But read it anyways. ;)

My goal in life is to make sure this girl gets off of "Keenspace Losers" Read her comic! It's so good! She deserves better! C'mon, it's got a hot goth chick...
My Life In Blue
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Funny too! You must read this one.


Check out these great sits to help you with your art or with your website

Dave's Site
A great HTML guide for beginners. I knew NOTHING about HTML when I found this site. Everything I learned, I learned from Dave. Tons of information, easy to follow, and there is way more here than just an HTML guide. I highly recommend this site.
How To Draw Manga
Perfect for beginners who want to draw manga. Easy to understand instructions, plus a great online store incase you need materials.
More detailed, a little more complex. I suggest going through first, then come to this site to refine your sketching skills, and learn how to color lineart like a pro.