Confused as to what the hell is going on? Here's a quick explanation of the events up to date.
Will be updated as each major storyline ends/begins. Check back regularly
In The Beginning
I was born in Canada. I am a Canadian. I don't make a big deal about it (and I don't say a-boot, my accent is actually a mix of Canadian, Southern, and British, with some New England slang thrown in for taste) I don't go around screaming "I am Canadian" because it bothers me that a country as great to live in as Canada, has to base all it's national pride around a beer commercial, funny as it may be. When I was twelve my family moved to America for better employment opprutunities. We moved first to Greenville, North Carolina then Ayden, North Carolina. Expect to see some flash backs to my NC days coming soon. It was a nice place to live, I had some close friends, and had my first "boyfriend" if you could call him that. Three years after the first move, we moved again, back up north, this time to New Hampshire. We happened to move during the fourth of July weekend. Big mistake. This is where you join the story. For those of you who are confused as to why we are living in a campsite, here's the explanation; when we moved we hadn't yet found a place to live. My family camps often, and when I was younger I lived in a campsite in a pop up trailer for a year, so we were used to "roughing it". Unfortuneatly we moved right next door to Dartmouth College. All the college students had claimed every house for rent within a fifty mile radius. So we had to find a place to buy, and it would have to be CHEAP. Until we found that place we were stuck in the campsite. A lovely three month camping trip, fun.
My Unknown Ruin
A short, depressing storyline. I don't like going into it. We were driving, we nearly got killed due to some moron who can't drive, there was a fight between my dad and the driver, the guy hit my dad, my dad hit back, a simple fist fight... somehow it was thrown way out of proportion by greasy lawyers... you'll fine out more about this later in the story. I had no idea how much that stupid mistake would affect my life. Had I known I probably would have hung myself while I had the chance.
A World So Different...
The first school comic, Freshman Orientation Day, when everything I had ever known was thrown out of balance, and my old world was shattered forever. A new Jen emerges. Thank Goddess!